A spinal intradural enderogenous cyst with well-differentiated muscularis propria

H. J. ten Donkelaar, M. A.A.P. Willemsem, I. van der Heijden, T. Beems, P. Wesseling

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

8 Citations (Scopus)


We report a case of a newborn presenting with severe compression of the spinal cord due to a large, solitary mass extending from C4 to T2. Neurosurgical exploration revealed a large intradural, extramedullary cystic lesion, compressing the spinal cord. Slowly progressive respiratory failure due to severe myelopathy led to the death of the child 19 days postpartum. At autopsy, a well-differentiated enterogenous cyst was found, the cyst wall containing gastric and esophageal type mucosa, and a bona fide muscularis propria. The gastrointestinal tract was completely normal. The possible developmental history of intradural enterogenous cysts is discussed.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)538-542
Number of pages5
JournalActa Neuropathologica
Issue number5
Publication statusPublished - 2002
Externally publishedYes


  • Enterogenous cyst
  • Myelopathy
  • Neurenteric cyst
  • Spinal cord compression
  • Split notochord syndrome


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