Constitutional Chromothripsis Rearrangements Involve Clustered Double-Stranded DNA Breaks and Nonhomologous Repair Mechanisms

Wigard P. Kloosterman, Masoumeh Tavakoli-Yaraki, Markus J. Van Roosmalen, Ellen Van Binsbergen, Ivo Renkens, Karen Duran, Lucia Ballarati, Sarah Vergult, Daniela Giardino, Kerstin Hansson, Claudia A.L. Ruivenkamp, Myrthe Jager, Arie Van Haeringen, Elly F. Ippel, Thomas Haaf, Eberhard Passarge, Ron Hochstenbach, Björn Menten, Lidia Larizza, Victor GuryevMartin Poot, Edwin Cuppen

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177 Citations (Scopus)


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Biochemistry, Genetics and Molecular Biology