FACSCanto II and LSRFortessa flow cytometer instruments can be synchronized utilizing single-fluorochrome-conjugated surface-dyed beads for standardized immunophenotyping

Annelisa Cornel, Christine van der Burght , Stefan Nierkens, Jeroen van Velzen

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

3 Citations (Scopus)


Background: Multiparameter flow cytometry is the preferred method to determine immunophenotypic features of cells present in a wide variety of sample types. Standardization is key to avoid inconsistencies and subjectivity of interpretations between clinical diagnostic laboratories. Among these standardization requirements, synchronization between different flow cytometer instruments is indispensable to obtain comparable results. This study aimed to investigate whether two widely used flow cytometers, the FACSCanto II and LSRFortessa, can be effectively synchronized utilizing calibration bead-based synchronization.

Method: Two FACSCanto II and two LSRFortessa flow cytometers were synchronized with both multicolor hard-dyed and single-fluorochrome-conjugated surface-dyed beads according to the manufacturer's instructions. Cell staining was performed on five whole-blood samples obtained from healthy controls and were analyzed upon synchronization with the respective synchronization protocols.

Results: Comparability criteria (defined as
Conclusion: We show that FACSCanto II and LSRFortessa instruments can effectively be synchronized using single-fluorochrome-conjugated surface-dyed beads in case deviation criteria cannot be met using multicolor hard-dyed beads. Synchronization with single-fluorochrome-conjugated surface-dyed beads results in decreased deviations between instruments, allowing comparability criteria to become stricter.
Original languageEnglish
Article numbere23361
Pages (from-to)e23361
Number of pages7
JournalJournal of Clinical Laboratory Analysis
Issue number9
Publication statusPublished - Sept 2020
Externally publishedYes


  • FACSCanto II
  • LSRFortessa
  • flow cytometry
  • immunophenotyping
  • multicenter comparibility
  • standardization


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