06.03 Integrative analysis of neuroblastoma by single-cell RNA sequencing identifies the NECTIN2-TIGIT axis as a target for immunotherapy

J Wienke, LL Visser, WM Kholosy, KM Keller, M Barisa, S Munnings-Tomes, E Carlton, E Poon, A Rodriguez, R Bernardi, F van den Ham, SR van Hooff, KPS Langenberg, FCP Holstege, L Chesler, J Anderson, HN Caron, T Margaritis, MM van Noesel, JJ Molenaar

Onderzoeksoutput: Bijdrage aan congresAbstractpeer review


Pediatric patients with high-risk neuroblastoma have poor survival rates and urgently need more effective treatment options with less side effects. As novel and improved immunotherapies may fill this need, we dissected the immunoregulatory interactions in neuroblastoma by single-cell RNA-sequencing of 25 tumors (10 pre- and 15 post-chemotherapy, including 5 pairs) to identify strategies for optimizing immunotherapy efficacy. Neuroblastomas were infiltrated by NK, T and B cells, and immunosuppressive myeloid populations. NK cells showed reduced cytotoxicity and T cells had a dysfunctional profile. Interaction analysis revealed a vast immunoregulatory network and identified NECTIN2-TIGIT as a crucial immune checkpoint. Combined blockade of TIGIT and PD-L1 significantly reduced neuroblastoma growth, with complete responses in vivo . Moreover, addition of TIGIT blockade to standard relapse treatment in a chemotherapy-resistant Th - ALK F1174L/ MYCN 129/SvJ syngeneic model significantly improved survival. Concluding, our integrative analysis of neuroblastoma’s vast immunoregulatory network provides novel targets and a rationale for immunotherapeutic combination strategies. ### Competing Interest Statement HC, AR and RB are employed at Hoffman-La Roche. JA has founder shares in Autolus Ltd. JA and LC have received research funding from Roche for in vivo work. No other conflicts of interest are declared.
Originele taal-2Engels
StatusGepubliceerd - sep. 2022


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