Development of a core outcome set for basal cell carcinoma

Daniel I. Schlessinger, Kelly A. Reynolds, McKenzie A. Dirr, Sarah A. Ibrahim, Arianna F. Yanes, Jake M. Lazaroff, Victoria Godinez-Puig, Brian R. Chen, Anastasia O. Kurta, Jill K. Cotseones, Sarah G. Chiren, Karina C. Furlan, Sanjana Iyengar, Ramona Behshad, Danielle M. DeHoratius, Pablo Denes, Aaron M. Drucker, Leonard M. Dzubow, Jeremy R. Etzkorn, Catherine A. HarwoodJohn Y.S. Kim, Naomi Lawrence, Erica H. Lee, Gary S. Lissner, Ashfaq A. Marghoob, Rubeta N. Matin, Adam R. Mattox, Bharat B. Mittal, J. Regan Thomas, Xiaolong Alan Zhou, David Zloty, Jochen Schmitt, Jamie J. Kirkham, April W. Armstrong, Nicole Basset-Seguin, Elizabeth M. Billingsley, Jeremy S. Bordeaux, Jerry Brewer, Marc Brown, Mariah Brown, Scott A.B. Collins, Maria Concetta Fargnoli, Sergio Jobim De Azevedo, Reinhard Dummer, Alexander Eggermont, Glenn D. Goldman, Merete Haedersdal, Elizabeth K. Hale, Allison Hanlon, Kelly L. Harms, Conway C. Huang, Eva A. Hurst, Gino K. In, Nicole Kelleners-Smeets, Meenal Kheterpal, Barry Leshin, Michel Mcdonald, Stanley J. Miller, Alexander Miller, Eliot N. Mostow, Myrto Trakatelli, Kishwer S. Nehal, Desiree Ratner, Howard Rogers, Kavita Y. Sarin, Seaver L. Soon, Thomas Stasko, Paul A. Storrs, Luca Tagliaferri, Allison T. Vidimos, Sandra L. Wong, Siegrid S. Yu, Iris Zalaudek, Nathalie C. Zeitouni, John A. Zitelli, Emily Poon, Joseph F. Sobanko, Todd V. Cartee, Ian A. Maher, Murad Alam

Onderzoeksoutput: Bijdrage aan tijdschriftArtikelpeer review

5 Citaten (Scopus)


Background: There is variation in the outcomes reported in clinical studies of basal cell carcinoma. This can prevent effective meta-analyses from answering important clinical questions. Objective: To identify a recommended minimum set of core outcomes for basal cell carcinoma clinical trials. Methods: Patient and professional Delphi process to cull a long list, culminating in a consensus meeting. To be provisionally accepted, outcomes needed to be deemed important (score, 7-9, with 9 being the maximum) by 70% of each stakeholder group. Results: Two hundred thirty-five candidate outcomes identified via a systematic literature review and survey of key stakeholders were reduced to 74 that were rated by 100 health care professionals and patients in 2 Delphi rounds. Twenty-seven outcomes were provisionally accepted. The final core set of 5 agreed-upon outcomes after the consensus meeting included complete response; persistent or serious adverse events; recurrence-free survival; quality of life; and patient satisfaction, including cosmetic outcome. Limitations: English-speaking patients and professionals rated outcomes extracted from English language studies. Conclusion: A core outcome set for basal cell carcinoma has been developed. The use of relevant measures may improve the utility of clinical research and the quality of therapeutic guidance available to clinicians.

Originele taal-2Engels
Pagina's (van-tot)573-581
Aantal pagina's9
TijdschriftJournal of the American Academy of Dermatology
Nummer van het tijdschrift3
StatusGepubliceerd - sep. 2022
Extern gepubliceerdJa


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