Easy-to-use clinical tool for survival estimation in Ewing sarcoma at diagnosis and after surgery

S. E. Bosma, C. Lancia, A. J. Rueten-Budde, A. Ranft, H. Gelderblom, M. Fiocco, M. A.J. van de Sande, P. D.S. Dijkstra, U. Dirksen

Onderzoeksoutput: Bijdrage aan tijdschriftArtikelpeer review

13 Citaten (Scopus)


Accurate survival estimations in Ewing sarcoma are necessary to develop risk- and response adaptive treatment strategies allowing for early decision-making. We aim to develop an easy-to-use survival estimation tool from diagnosis and surgery. A retrospective study of 1314 Ewing sarcoma patients was performed. Associations between prognostic variables at diagnosis/surgery and overall survival (OS), were investigated using Kaplan-Meier and multivariate Cox models. Predictive accuracy was evaluated by cross-validation and Harrell C-statistics. Median follow-up was 7.9 years (95%CI 7.6–8.3). Independent prognostic factors at diagnosis were age, volume, primary tumor localization and disease extent. 5 risk categories (A-E) were identified with 5-year OS of 88% (86–94), 69% (64–74), 57% (50–64), 51% (42–60) and 28% (22–34) respectively. Harrell C-statistic was 0.70. Independent prognostic factors from surgery were age, volume, disease extent and histological response. In categories A-B, 5y OS increased to 92% (87–97) and 79% (71–87) respectively for 100% necrosis and decreased to 76% (67–85) and 62% (55–69) respectively for <100% necrosis. In categories C-E, 5y OS increased to 65% (55–75), 65% (52–78) and 52% (38–66) respectively for ≥90% necrosis and decreased to 38% (22–54), 11% (0–26) and 7% (0–19) respectively for <90% necrosis. We present an easy-to-use survival estimation tool from diagnosis in Ewing sarcoma based on age, volume, primary tumor localization and disease extent. Histological response is a strong additional prognostic factor for OS.

Originele taal-2Engels
TijdschriftScientific Reports
Nummer van het tijdschrift1
StatusGepubliceerd - 1 dec. 2019
Extern gepubliceerdJa


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