Improved health by combining dietary restriction and promoting muscle growth in DNA repair-deficient progeroid mice

Wilbert P Vermeij, Khalid Alyodawi, Ivar van Galen, Jennie L von der Heide, María B Birkisdóttir, Lisanne J Van't Sant, Rutger A Ozinga, Daphne S J Komninos, Kimberly Smit, Yvonne M A Rijksen, Renata M C Brandt, Sander Barnhoorn, Dick Jaarsma, Sathivel Vaiyapuri, Olli Ritvos, Tobias B Huber, Oliver Kretz, Ketan Patel

Onderzoeksoutput: Bijdrage aan tijdschriftArtikelpeer review


Background: Ageing is a complex multifactorial process, impacting all organs and tissues, with DNA damage accumulation serving as a common underlying cause. To decelerate ageing, various strategies have been applied to model organisms and evaluated for health and lifespan benefits. Dietary restriction (DR, also known as caloric restriction) is a well-established long-term intervention recognized for its universal anti-ageing effects. DR temporarily suppresses growth, and when applied to progeroid DNA repair-deficient mice doubles lifespan with systemic health benefits. Counterintuitively, attenuation of myostatin/activin signalling by soluble activin receptor (sActRIIB), boosts the growth of muscle and, in these animals, prevents muscle wasting, improves kidney functioning, and compresses morbidity. Methods: Here, we investigated a combined approach, applying an anabolic regime (sActRIIB) at the same time as DR to Ercc1Δ/− progeroid mice. Following both single treatments and combined, we monitored global effects on body weight, lifespan and behaviour, and local effects on muscle and tissue weight, muscle morphology and function, and ultrastructural and transcriptomic changes in muscle and kidney. Results: Lifespan was mostly influenced by DR (extended from approximately 20 to 40 weeks; P 
Originele taal-2Engels
Pagina's (van-tot)2361-2374
Aantal pagina's14
TijdschriftJournal of cachexia, sarcopenia and muscle
Nummer van het tijdschrift6
Vroegere onlinedatum8 sep. 2024
StatusGepubliceerd - dec. 2024
Extern gepubliceerdJa


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