Insomnia Symptoms and Daytime Fatigue Co-Occurrence in Adolescent and Young Adult Childhood Cancer Patients in Follow-Up after Treatment: Prevalence and Associated Risk Factors

Shosha H M Peersmann, Martha A Grootenhuis, Annemieke van Straten, Wim J E Tissing, Floor Abbink, Andrica C H de Vries, Jacqueline Loonen, Helena J H van der Pal, Gertjan J L Kaspers, Raphaële R L van Litsenburg

Onderzoeksoutput: Bijdrage aan tijdschriftArtikelpeer review

6 Citaten (Scopus)


Insomnia symptoms and daytime fatigue commonly occur in pediatric oncology, which significantly impact physical and psychosocial health. This study evaluated the prevalence of insomnia only, daytime fatigue only, the co-occurrence of insomnia–daytime fatigue symptoms, and associated risk factors. Childhood cancer patients (n = 565, 12–26 years old, ≥6 months after treatment) participated in a national, cross-sectional questionnaire study, measuring insomnia symptoms (ISI; Insomnia Severity Index) and daytime fatigue (single item). Prevalence rates of insomnia and/or daytime fatigue subgroups and ISI severity ranges were calculated. Multinomial regression models were applied to assess risk factors. Most patients reported no insomnia symptoms or daytime fatigue (61.8%). In the 38.2% of patients who had symptoms, 48.1% reported insomnia and daytime fatigue, 34.7% insomnia only, and 17.1% daytime fatigue only. Insomnia scores were higher in patients with insomnia–daytime fatigue compared to insomnia only (p < 0.001). Risk factors that emerged were: female sex and co-morbidities (all), shorter time after treatment and bedtime gaming (insomnia only), young adulthood (insomnia–fatigue/fatigue only), needing someone else to fall asleep and inconsistent wake times (both insomnia groups), lower educational level and consistent bedtimes (insomnia–fatigue). Insomnia symptoms and daytime fatigue are common and often co-occur. While current fatigue guidelines do not include insomnia symptoms, healthcare providers should inquire about insomnia as this potentially provides additional options for treatment and prevention.
Originele taal-2Engels
Nummer van het tijdschrift14
StatusGepubliceerd - 7 jul. 2022


  • Adolescents and young adults (AYA)
  • Childhood cancer
  • Fatigue
  • Quality of life
  • Sleep
  • Survivors


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