Localization of the xeroderma pigmentosum group B-correcting gene ERCC3 to human chromosome 2q21

Geert Weeda, Joop Wiegant, Mels van der Ploeg, Ad H.M. Geurts van Kessel, Alex J. van der Eb, Jan H.J. Hoeijmakers

Onderzoeksoutput: Bijdrage aan tijdschriftArtikelpeer review

27 Citaten (Scopus)


The human excision-repair gene ERCC3 was cloned after DNA-mediated gene transfer to the uv-sensitive Chinese hamster ovary mutant cell line 27-1, a member of complementation group 3 of the excision-defective rodent cell lines. The ERCC3 gene specifically corrects the DNA repair defect of xeroderma pigmentosum (XP) complementation group B, which displays the clinical symptoms of XP as well as of another rare excision-repair disorder, Cockayne syndrome. The gene encodes a presumed DNA and chromatin binding helicase, involved in early steps of the excision-repair pathway. ERCC3 was previously assigned to human chromosome 2 (L. H. Thompson, A. V. Carrano, K. Sato, E. P. Salazar, B. F. White, S. A. Stewart, J. L. Minkler, and M. J. Siciliano (1987)Somat. Cell Genet. 13: 539-551). Here we report its subchromosomal localization in the q21 region of chromosome 2 via somatic cell hybrids containing a translocated chromosome 2 and in situ hybridization with fluorescently labeled ERCC3 probes.

Originele taal-2Engels
Pagina's (van-tot)1035-1040
Aantal pagina's6
Nummer van het tijdschrift4
StatusGepubliceerd - aug. 1991
Extern gepubliceerdJa


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