Minimale resterkrankung bei der akuten myeloischen leukämie (AML) im kindesalter - Etablierung und standardisierung der immunphänotypisierung in der therapiestudie AML-BFM-98

D. Reinhardt, F. Griesinger, C. Langebrake, U. Creutzig, J. Vormoor, C. Brune, M. Thorwesten, P. Ingiliz, O. Hrusak, M. Dworzak

Onderzoeksoutput: Bijdrage aan tijdschriftArtikelpeer review

11 Citaten (Scopus)


Background: Minimal residual disease is a prognostic factor in AML. However, the impact on treatment stratification is not established. The AML-BFM 98 MRD study started in 1/2000 in order to evaluate, standardize and establish immunophenotyping in AML in children. Methods: In a first phase the participating laboratories in Muenster, Goettingen, Vienna and Prague agreed on identical antibody-panels and standardized procedures of sample processing, analysis and data management. The consensus panel was evaluated and adapted to 3- and 4-color flowcytometry. The complete panel was applied to each follow-up sample in orderto minimize the risk offalse negative results due to the loss or shift of antigens during treatment, a known phenomenon in myeloid blasts. Between 1/2000 and 9/2001 165 of 198 protocol patients were analysed at diagnosis, in 149 children at least two follow-up samples were available. Results: Three kinds of immunophenotypes could be defined [1]. Asynchronous expression of stem cell and myeloid antigens i.e. CD34/CDl17 combined with CD13/CD15 had a low specificity because precursors in regenerating or normal bone marrow expressed this pattern in 0.47 % (0.1 to 1.5%) [2]. The aberrant co-expression of stem cell antigens and lymphatic antigens such as CD7 or CD2 showed a median level of specificity (0.07% (0.04 to 0.19%) [3]. Aberrant expression ofstem cell antigens combined with B-lymphatic (CD19, CD10) or NK-cell antigen (CD56) showed the best specificity. The maximal level in normal bone marrow was 0.05%. Sensitivity of different immunophenotypes was evaluated by diluting known leukemic blasts in regenerating bone marrow. Minimal level of sensitivity was found to be at 10-3 to 5 × 10-4. According to these data highly specific immunophenotypes could be detected in 33%, median specificity was seen in 71% and low specificity was seen in 88% of the protocol patients. Two laboratories analyzed simultaneously 17 samples of children with AML from diagnosis and during therapy. A high correlation of blast quantification could be demonstrated (correlation r2 = 0.98; blasts < 5 % r2 = 0.91). In addition, two independent explorers quantified the raw data of 16 samples. All results correlated well (r2 = 0.97; blasts < 5% r2 = 90.94). Conclusion: The prospective study phase, started 1/2002, aims to test the impact of MRD diagnostics as an independent prognostic factor in AML in children. This might facilitate future treatment stratification and consequently optimize outcome.

Vertaalde titel van de bijdrageMinimal residual disease in acute myeloid leukemia in children - Standardization and evaluation of immunophenotyping in the AML-BFM-98 study
Originele taal-2Duits
Pagina's (van-tot)179-187
Aantal pagina's9
TijdschriftKlinische Padiatrie
Nummer van het tijdschrift4
StatusGepubliceerd - jul. 2002
Extern gepubliceerdJa


  • Acute myeloid leukemia
  • Adapted therapy
  • Immunophenotyping
  • Minimal residual disease


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