OECI TuBaFrost tumor biobanking

Peter H.J. Riegman, Antonio Llombart Bosch, W. N.M. Dinjens, M. H.A. Oomen, A. Spatz, C. Ratcliffe, K. Knox, R. Mager, D. Kerr, F. Pezzella, B. Van Damme, M. Van De Vijver, H. Van Boven, M. M. Morente, S. Alonso, D. Kerjaschki, J. Pammer, J. A. Lopez-Guerrero, A. Carbone, A. GloghiniI. Teodorovic, M. Isabelle, D. Jaminé, A. Passioukov, S. Lejeune, P. Therasse, E. B. Van Veen, K. H. Lam, J. W. Oosterhuis

Onderzoeksoutput: Bijdrage aan tijdschriftArtikelpeer review

13 Citaten (Scopus)


OECI TuBaFrost harbors a complete infrastructure for the exchange of frozen tumor samples between European countries. OECI TuBaFrost consists of: • A code of conduct on how to exchange human residual samples in Europe • A central database application accessible over the Internet (www.tubafrost.org) where data can be uploaded and searched from samples that can be selected and ordered • Access rules with incentives for collectors • Standardization needed to enable the analysis of high quality samples derived from different centers • Virtual Microscopy to support sample selection with difficult pathology The entire infrastructure was, after completion, which was entirely financed by the European Commission, implemented in the OECI. But so far it has not been used to its capacity. A recent survey held amongst the OECI members shed light on the causes. The main conclusion is that all responders see OECI TuBaFrost as a good platform for exchange of samples, however, the biggest bottleneck found was that potential users are too unfamiliar with the communication between their own biobank tracking system and the TuBaFrost central database application. Therefore, new future plans are drawn. In addition, new infrastructure plans have been developed and the first preparatory steps have been set. For biobanks the BBMRI project has started aiming for Pan-European Biobanking and Biomolecular Resources Research Infrastructure.

Originele taal-2Engels
Pagina's (van-tot)160-163
Aantal pagina's4
Nummer van het tijdschrift2
StatusGepubliceerd - 2008
Extern gepubliceerdJa


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