Perspectives on follow-up care and research for childhood cancer survivors: Results from an international SIOP meet-the-expert questionnaire in Kyoto, 2018

M. E. Bakker, V. G. Pluimakers, J. E. Van Atteveld, S. J.C.M.M. Neggers, M. M. Van Den Heuvel-Eibrink, S. Sato, K. Yamashita, C. Kiyotani, Y. Ishida, M. Maeda

Onderzoeksoutput: Bijdrage aan tijdschriftArtikel recenserenpeer review

1 Citaat (Scopus)


Introduction: Survival of childhood cancer has increased over the past decades. This has led to the development of strategies aiming to enhance follow-up care and research, for which priorities may vary globally. We explored perspectives of an international healthcare workers panel. Methods: Attendants of a meet-the-expert session on childhood cancer survivorship at the 2018 SIOP conference completed a survey about their view on important follow-up care and research aspects for survivors below and over 18 years. We analysed overarching categories and subtopics, and compared Asian versus European and North American healthcare workers. Results: A total of 58 participants from different medical specialties (67.2% paediatric oncologists) and continents (48.3% Asia, 39.7% Europe/North America) responded. Follow-up care priorities for survivors below and over 18 years included physical care (39.3% ≤18 years, 35.9% >18 years) and healthcare structure (29.4%, 26.0%). Physical care was also the most important research aspect for both age groups (52.5%, 50.7%). Psychological support was the most frequently reported subtopic. Asian clinicians (n = 22) primarily prioritized physical care aspects of follow-up care, whereas European/North American (n = 19) clinicians underscored the importance of healthcare structure. Conclusion: Physical care is the most important aspect of survivorship care and research according to clinicians from several continents. Asian and European/North American respondents shared most priorities, however, healthcare structure was a more important category for European/North American clinicians. The most common subtopic was psychological support, underlining also the need to involve psychologists in follow-up.

Originele taal-2Engels
Pagina's (van-tot)1554-1560
Aantal pagina's7
TijdschriftJapanese Journal of Clinical Oncology
Nummer van het tijdschrift10
StatusGepubliceerd - 1 okt. 2021


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