title = "Transcription of kinetoplast DNA in Trypanosoma brucei bloodstream and culture forms",
author = "Hoeijmakers, {J. H.J.} and A. Snijders and Janssen, {J. W.G.} and P. Borst",
note = "Funding Information: We thank Dr. F. R. Opperdoes( Research Unit for Tropical Diseases, International Institute of Cellular and Molecular Pathology, Brussels) and Mr. A. Ber-nardsf or their help and advice; Mr. I. C. Eperon (MRC Laboratory of Molecular Biology, Cambridge)f or com-municatingu npublisheds equenced ata; Professor Ch. Weissmann( Institut fur Molekularbiologie I, Univer-sitat Zurich, Zurich) and Dr. J. Davison (ResearchU nit of Molecular Biology, InternationalI nstituteo f Cellular and Molecular Pathology, Brussels) for providing us with cloned recombinant DNAs; Dr. G. J. B. Van Ommen( PediatricsC linic, AcademicH ospital, University of Amsterdam)f or advice on isolating and frac-tionatingR NAs; Drs. A. M. Simpsona nd L. Simpson (Biology Departmento f Molecular Biology Institute, University of California, Los Angeles, Calif.) for com-municatingd ata prior to publication;a nd Mrs. J. Van den Burg and Mrs. F. Fase-Fowler for expert technical assistance.T his work was supportedi n part by a grant to P.B. from the Foundationf or FundamentalB iologi-cal Research( BION) which is subsidizedb y The Netherlands Organization for the Advancement of Pure Research (ZWO).",
year = "1981",
month = may,
doi = "10.1016/0147-619X(81)90009-3",
language = "English",
volume = "5",
pages = "329--350",
journal = "Plasmid",
issn = "0147-619X",
publisher = "Academic Press Inc.",
number = "3",